Friday, September 23, 2011

"And if you don't like violence, obesity and ignorance, then 'git' the hell outta my country!"

           Of all the nations in the world, which one:
                     1. Enjoys the longest life expectancy?
                     2. Has the lowest infant mortality rate?
                     3. Has the lowest per-capita homicide rate?
                     4. Has the best human rights' record?
                     5. Scores the highest in reading, math and science?
                     6. Has the healthiest citizens?
                     7. Has the happiest population according to surveys?
                     8. Has the highest per-capita income in the world?
                     9. Has the lowest percentage of its citizens living below the poverty level?
                    10.Holds the ranking as the least corrupt nation?
                    11. Has the lowest percentage of suicides?

         If you answered "America" to all eleven questions, you may be surprised by what reputable sources of information (e.g., almanacs) have to say.
         This is no way implies that America is not a great nation. America stands at the forefront in many of the most important categories; however, our national pride often blinds us from seeing what is wrong with our society and prevents us from focusing on how to rectify the situation. What is distressing is the fact that the oft-repeated command of "America, love it or leave it" did not fall into decline ca. 1970, but has persisted in the modern era. Why is such a mandate so blatantly offensive to thinking individuals? Well, first of all, the implication of such a statement is that if one is not happy with a negative status quo in regards to human rights, education, health care -the cornerstones of a civil society -one should flee and leave the society to degenerate further than it already has.

          It can be admitted that progressives are sometimes a pessimistic lot, often focusing inordinately on the negatives, rather than the positives, of our society; however, attention needs to be paid to that which is ailing our society as a means of redressing these wrongs. True, there are many among us who lament without offering solutions, but the recognition that something is wrong is the first step in advancement towards a more idyllic society.

           Those of us who love this country have an obligation to prevent its decline. In the past, when injustice flourished, it was the task of righteous individuals to resolve these inequities. Today the situation is no different. We are losing our standing internationally in too many categories, particularly health, education and safety, and it is time for us to assume a role at the forefront.

            "Love it or leave it" has never been solid advice and its resurgence in recent years is dispiriting indeed. What is ironic about the command given so often by people on the right of the political spectrum is that it can so easily be used against them by their adversaries. Fortunately, many progressives are gracious enough to desist from this as such a dictate is too inane even for ironic use.

               "Love it or leave it" only has some relation to logical thought if the person at whom it is directed is seeking fundamental, not elemental change, regarding what has is right about his society, (e.g., freedom of speech, religion and assembly). Fortunately, only the most extreme (and easily recognizable) partisans of the left have ever called for such reconstruction of our nation. In today's America, the overwhelming majority of progressives are seeking solutions to that which plagues our nation. The most notable of these issues is the fact that many among the working poor are not able to obtain comprehensive and affordable health insurance. Because of this, they often wait until the situation is so dire that they opt for the ER. Other struggles undertaken by progressives include ensuring that actual science is taught in classrooms, not philosophy, mythology or theology. These are all elemental changes that in no way detract from the greatness that is America.

                Fighting to implement that which will be for the greatest benefit of the majority is scarcely treasonous. Yet in a society conditioned to value reaction rather than actual thought, there is always the risk that social reform will be seen as subversive. To counter this, it must be increasingly emphasized that our nation needs constant scrutiny, as well as visionaries who offer the most practical solutions to what is wrong.

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